30 January 2017
Before we start with this post & go further, let me ask you a simple question. How old are you? No, No, don’t be confused, just let us know. Now just roll back your previous days and tell us, how many parties, yes, those awesome parties you have attended so far which you believe were the most awesome moments of your life? Couldn’t count it? Great!
It means that you have a great circle of friends, associates and colleagues who treat you as their beloved. So now when you owe a lot of parties, now it’s your turn to arrange an awesome party for them. A house party is meant to be an ultimate social gathering which endow you a golden opportunity to hang around with your loved ones.
If you sincerely want to draw crowd to your party then here are some coolest, awesome and amazing home party ideas. Check them out…
Source: https://goo.gl/h25Gbc
Before you plan out your party, just make a complete list of invitations. Consider the ambience, theme and concept of your home party and then make a list of guests. Make sure that every single folk you call upon should never get bored or feel unattended in any manner. Make all your guests feel special with some wonderful arrangements. Also talk to your neighbors in advance to ensure that they don’t have any problem with your party.
House Party is more like word-of-mouth; it’s not at all like creating Facebook events and inviting your friends through your Google groups. You have different types of friends with different friends. Some people are very punctual who will show you up at the exact time what you have mentioned in your venue while others will stroll through after hitting up 3 parties and will stay until the sun comes up so tell such people about early wind up time so that they could leave before or at the right time when the party ends. On the other hand, there are friends who are prone to slowness to roll up at 8 p.m. if you want the party to start at 10 p.m.
When it comes to food, don’t take risk as long as you are not sure about your cooking skills. If you are planning to throw a perfect party where your guests could have uninterrupted fun, then you need to ensure about good food which would perfectly be arranged by the professional catering companies. So party catering at home must be shifted to the professionals. Make sure that your food and drink selection is on point.
If you don’t want to bear the post-party guilt for replacing or laundering your roommates’ sheets, make sure that their bedroom doors are locked. After boozing and chugging, it’s not possible for you to give attention to every guest. If the doors are not locked, you can’t guarantee that your dearest friends won’t turn your roommates’ bedroom into a ramping shop. Keep your all guests locked in one room to ensure that they don’t pop a molly and sweat on your sheets.
You know your friends’ type and taste better so keep some good stuff all together by observing the tastes of your guests. It should not be whack; otherwise, your party will be whack too. Give your audience some songs, they are familiar with.